
Although maybe not the actual Center of the Universe, Homer Avenue somehow feels like it ought to be, and, in the grand scheme of things, it's probably not very far away

If you're starting from Way Out There, point your starship to the Virgo Cluster of galaxies. Approaching the Cluster, locate and navigate to the Local Group. Watch for reported local variations in the Hubble Constant, and occasional concentrations of dark energy

Turn right at the big Andromeda Galaxy toward the Milky Way Galaxy, pictured at right. Confirm your identification by its companions, the Magellanic Clouds, and its really stunning globular clusters. Homer Avenue is in the Orion Arm, about 30,000 light years from the galactic center. You may begin to feel a tremor in the force. Follow it


Now locate the Sun, a G2V main sequence star. It has nine or ten or eleven planets, depending on how you count large Kuiper objects. Homer Avenue is on planet Earth, the blue marble orbiting third from the star. It has one, very prominent, moon


Mercury Venus Earth Mars The inner Homer Avenue system today

You're almost here. On Earth, find the continent of the Americas. It's the one sporting a very slim waist just above the equator. Homer Avenue is on the northern part, near its western shore.

Homer Avenue is in Palo Alto, California, just west of the foot of the distinctive San Francisco Bay. Just ask any astronaut, airline pilot, or real estate agent

Now find Highway 101, locally called the Bayshore Freeway. Take the University Avenue exit into Palo Alto, and follow University Avenue to Waverley Street. Turn left, and watch for St Thomas Aquinas church on your left. You can't miss it. The cross street is Homer Avenue.


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Images from NASA: Hubble Space Telescope and Blue Marble. Solar System by

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